Contest Topics AND SAMPLE CONTEsts

The short answer topics that are covered in each contest are listed below. Each topic is linked to the page of the ACSL Wiki that describes the topic in detail, both in text and with videos, and with sample problems.  The Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Divisions also have a programming problem. 

A complete contest in each division from a previous year is provided below.  Additionally, refer to the Registration page to buy additional study materials contains previous years' contests (downloadable files, printed books, and an online environment for solving ACSL problems).


The Short Problems topics are the same in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions.  The Senior Division problems are more challenging than those in the Intermediate Division. Each contest has 6 problems: two problems from each of the 3 topics.

Contest 1

Contest 2

Contest 3

Contest 4

clASSROOM division